The hotel maternal is a state structure that welcomes children in distress, abandoned children, orphans, and children who find themselves without a family.So with the aim of contributing to bring a little joy and happiness to these children, the WFWP Burkina Faso made a collection of funds and goods in order to offer a donation of support for the care of these children. Some of our women’s ambassadors for peace who contributed a lot were also present that afternoon for this activity.The donations made included goods such as diapers, soaps, bags of rice, oil, milk, sugar, clothes, and shoes. Mrs. OUEDRAOGO Edith, the Acting Director of the maternal hotel expressed her deep gratitude to the WFWP Burkina for this thought with regard to these children and thanked her very much on behalf of all the children for the support provided. About twenty children were present at the handover ceremony representing the whole group becausenot all of them could present themselves.
Mrs KABORE Aimée, the WFWP national President spoke a few words, introducing first of all our True mother Dr Hak Ja Han Moon, the founder of WFWP, the true mother of humanity, and the mother of peace. She briefly presented the vision and objectives of the WFWP, emphasizing the major role of mothers, because living currently in the era of women as she said, women must understand better their role in order to assume it well. They must contribute to the goodeducation of children and succeed in making their family better so that peace can start in the family. To end her intervention, Mrs. Kabore encouraged the children to sing a song, which led the whole assembly to share a moment of joy with the children by singing together the song "if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands …”.One of our women peace ambassadors shared candies to each of the children, which ended thisbrief and simple donation ceremony which began at 3:30 p.m. and ended at 4:20 p.m.