Living by the Logic of Love

Virtual Event on Mental Health program in partnership with Brahma Kumaris: Creating a Peaceful Environment with Sr. Patibha

Virtual Event on Mental Health program in partnership with Brahma Kumaris: Creating a Peaceful Environment with Sr. Patibha

On November 16, 2023, at 3 p.m. GMT, with the theme "Mental Health: Creating a Peaceful Environment." The event featured Sr. Patibha, Asst. Regional Director of Brahma Kumaris Africa. Sr Patibha shared insights and wisdom on fostering mental well-being in today's challenging world.

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Mental Health Webinar Series: The Power of True Love with Sr. Vedanti

Mental Health Webinar Series: The Power of True Love with Sr. Vedanti

On 12 October 2023 at 3 p.m. GMT, a virtual mental health program was organized in collaboration with Sister Vedanti from the Brahma Kumaris organization. The theme of the program was "The Power of True Love," focusing on the role of love in mental well-being and spiritual growth.

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